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How can we colonize Mars in a sustainable way?

A space colony is seen as one of the most important options available to the continuation of mankind in the future. Space colonies on the Moon, Mars, asteroids, other worlds and in orbit around the Earth have been suggested, designed and promoted since the 1950's. Early orbiting space stations were designed like large wheels spinning in space as seen in the film "2001". Many scientists have advocated expanding the human presence to other worlds. 


You have been hired by NASA-AdVENTURE to take the colonization of Mars out of the realm of science fiction and into science fact. There are many aspects to consider on your quest. Not only do we have to think about getting to Mars, but we also need to think aboiut how we could survive there and what we would need to easily communicate with those that remain on Earth. If that were not a huge task in itself, we also need to consider how a Martian society would function. Are you up to the challenge?


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